45 Years of Caring for People at Ambridge Rose

45 years of caring for people

45 Years of Caring for People

Congratulations and thank you to loyal staff members Natalie Blanckenberg, Kamal Kaur and Ronelie Clemente. Collectively they have contributed 45 years of caring for people at Ambridge Rose, with each of them recently celebrating their 15-year anniversary.

Natalie was a nurse in South Africa, and she was the first of the trio to join The Manor caregiving team in January 2008. She worked towards completing her New Zealand registration and competency requirements and has progressively been promoted to her current position as clinical coordinator/enrolled nurse.

A few weeks later Kamal was appointed at The Manor, which was her first job in New Zealand and she enjoyed working with older people and their families so much – she stayed. Kamal worked her way up to the role of quality/admissions coordinator and is now undertaking further professional development studying a business course.

By March 2008, Ronelie had stepped off the plane and into her job as a healthcare assistant at The Manor. She rapidly progressed to being a team leader and now Ronelie has a clinical support role.

All three women have been part of the growth of the Ambridge Rose, and they have watched the buildings and people change throughout the years. Thank you for making a difference to our residents, their families, and the Ambridge Rose family.