Ambridge Rose Covid-19 update April 21, 2020

Covid-19 unite

Covid-19 Update April 21, 2020

Hi everyone,

It is encouraging that we as a country have made great progress in the fight against Covid-19.
Our residents and staff are remaining in their bubbles and are all doing well as level 4 lockdown continues.

Thank you for all the kind emails and words of support, the staff are encouraged hearing they are making a real difference to your loved ones.

Although the fight against Covid-19 looks promising, aged care facilities are still the most vulnerable in our communities.
In the next few days, we are expecting advice from the Ministry of Health on what level 3 looks like for our facilities.
For us, we do not expect this will be much different from the current level 4 lockdown.

We anticipate we will continue to operate as we have done until level 3 is lifted and we move into level 2.
We do not know what level 2 looks like either, but expect it will be much of the same as now with a very slight easing on visitation.

We have been virtually audited by the District Health Board and all of our practices, systems and supplies are all in order should they be needed.
The DHBs advise that we are entering the traditional flu season, therefore caution is needed and we are being advised to maintain our staff health checks and infection control protocols.

All residents are having their health status checked twice a day and if they are showing any signs of any illness, urgent medical attention is sought.
Our staff also continue to have their health checked (temperature and questionnaire) daily upon entry and have adapted well to the new norm of being on alert for any kind of virus symptoms.

I will provide another update to you all when more information comes to hand.
In the meantime, stay safe and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Kind regards,